Monday, November 3, 2008

Set An Example

Every person is responsible for all the natural resources that make up our environment; if you want to help recycle, then you have to take things into your own hands and create an example for other people to follow. People can recycle aluminum, to paper, to glass, to plastic, to used cars, to even used oil. The ad sets a statement that recycling helps clean out our environment and most of the actions that we do will affect our community as a whole; the man in the video didn’t seem to care and was littering his trash throughout his day. The funny part is that most of the time the trash bin is right there and he couldn’t even take a second to toss it out in the right spot. Recycling paper is also beneficial since it costs less to recycle it than to create new paper from trees; it is good for the environment since the production of new paper uses more chemicals and energy. Recycling paper saves forests, but it also conserves electricity, water, and air pollution; you need the will and determination to help others and yourself to provide a sanitary atmosphere. At the end of the ad, it said recycle or your bad habits will catch up with you; I believe that each individual cannot completely make a difference in our community, but if we had everyone followed each other’s actions, we are able to change the world together.